Here are the classes that we offer here at Social Skills South Surrey.
Please note:
All classes are held at my home workshop in South Surrey, BC.
All classes require an intake meeting (at no charge) prior to acceptance into the group programs. This is to ensure that it is a good fit for all participants.
Social Skills South Surrey is set up to bill AFU. AFU is Autism Funding received via the Province of British Columbia.
Please feel free to contact me with any and all questions regarding these programs!
Executive Functioning for Preteens
Executive Functioning is something most kids on the spectrum struggle with so this class targets helping kids ages 10-14 plan and organize, stay focussed, finish tasks and reach goals. In the initial intake, we will assess and decide on target areas. Then in group sessions, we will set goals and keep each other accountable. 10, 1 hr group sessions plus assessment session. $550
Social Sprouts
Ages 4-6
The Social Sprouts series helps children build fundamental social competencies and improve their social and academic performance. Teachers, clinicians, and parents give it rave reviews!
Social Sprouts has been carefully curated to teach children five core Social Thinking concepts that strengthen their perspective taking and social self-awareness regardless of age or ability.
For your young child, play is the ideal learning environment. The Social Sprouts curriculum uses play to teach social competencies in fun, engaging ways!
The evidence-based concepts supported across the components—learning about thoughts and feelings, thinking with your eyes, following the group plan, keeping your body in the group, and whole body listening—establish a common social vocabulary for children and are the foundation to all social interactions.
We will spend two lessons on each topic. Each class is 1.5 hours with a parent debrief in the last 15 minutes. $750 for 10 x 1.5 hour sessions.
Social Saplings
Ages 7-10
Social Saplings is about developing social skills and social thinking in children ages 7-10. This is a great program for kids who have trouble socially and have mild anxiety.
Our classes are small and an interview is conducted beforehand with students to ensure a good class fit. Social Saplings follows Children’s Friendship Training with added self regulation and emotional identification.
Our classes end with a 15 min. parent component to keep you abreast of what was covered, allowing you to practice skills with your child.
These classes run for 10 sessions. At the final class the kids will receive a certificate of achievement and have a class party. Cost is $750.
What, Me Worry?
Ages 6-10
Our What, Me Worry? course uses Taming Worry Dragons, which is an adaptation of Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy, and other similar resources to identify the source of your child’s worries.
From there, we work together to develop cognitive and behavioural tools to reduce the impact of worry on our daily lives.
This class is taught in an engaging format, and practicing the class-taught tools at home is strongly encouraged.
Our What, Me Worry? course includes a short parent debrief and homework after each session. Course fee is $480 for 8 x 1.5 hour sessions.
Ages 15-17
PEERs is the only evidence-based social skills intervention for motivated teens who may present with ADHD, Aspergers, Depression, High Functioning Autism, Pervasive Developmental Disorder, Anxiety or any other social or behavioural issues.
Participants should be behaviourally and emotionally regulated.
In the PEERS program, your teen will learn:
Using appropriate conversational skills
How to be a good host during get togethers
Finding common interests by trading information
How to make phone calls to friends
How to handle electronic communication
Using humour appropriately
How to choose appropriate friends
Entering and exiting peer conversations
How to be a good sport
Handling rejection, teasing and bullying
How to handle arguments and disagreements
Handling rumours and gossip
How to change a bad reputation
The PEERS classes are broken into 16 x 90 minute weekly sessions with an additional parent debrief. During each session, teens are taught an important social skill an given an opportunity to practice that skill. Homework is then given for the week to give additional practice.
Depending on registration, adolescents may be grouped in a younger class (ages 11-14), older class (ages 15-17) or young adult class (ages 18-22).
Your investment for this program is $1200 and can be paid through AFU. Participants must be motivated to learn ways to make and keep friends, and parent participation is required.
Sibshops provides a space for siblings of disabled kids to feel accepted and understood. The Sibshops program was developed through Seattle Hospital as a much needed resource for siblings of children with special needs. Our sessions may include games, crafts and cooking.This is not a counselling program, but an opportunity for these children to blow off steam and share experiences with other children who they can relate to.
Our fee is $40 for 8 sessions. Pre-registration is required.
Here are the classes that we offer here at Social Skills South Surrey.
Please note:
To view our current class schedule, please visit our calendar of events.
Please feel free to contact me with any and all questions regarding these programs!
Executive Functioning for Preteens
Social Sprouts
Ages 4-6
The Social Sprouts series helps children build fundamental social competencies and improve their social and academic performance. Teachers, clinicians, and parents give it rave reviews!
Social Sprouts has been carefully curated to teach children five core Social Thinking concepts that strengthen their perspective taking and social self-awareness regardless of age or ability.
For your young child, play is the ideal learning environment. The Social Sprouts curriculum uses play to teach social competencies in fun, engaging ways!
The evidence-based concepts supported across the components—learning about thoughts and feelings, thinking with your eyes, following the group plan, keeping your body in the group, and whole body listening—establish a common social vocabulary for children and are the foundation to all social interactions.
We will spend two lessons on each topic. Each class is 1.5 hours with a parent debrief in the last 15 minutes. $750 for 10 x 1.5 hour sessions.
Social Saplings
Ages 7-10
Social Saplings is about developing social skills and social thinking in children ages 7-10. This is a great program for kids who have trouble socially and have mild anxiety.
Our classes are small and an interview is conducted beforehand with students to ensure a good class fit. Social Saplings follows Children’s Friendship Training with added self regulation and emotional identification.
Our classes end with a 15 min. parent component to keep you abreast of what was covered, allowing you to practice skills with your child.
These classes run for 10 sessions. At the final class the kids will receive a certificate of achievement and have a class party. Cost is $750.
What, Me Worry?
Ages 6-10
Our What, Me Worry? course uses Taming Worry Dragons, which is an adaptation of Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy, and other similar resources to identify the source of your child’s worries.
From there, we work together to develop cognitive and behavioural tools to reduce the impact of worry on our daily lives.
This class is taught in an engaging format, and practicing the class-taught tools at home is strongly encouraged.
Our What, Me Worry? course includes a short parent debrief and homework after each session. Course fee is $480 for 8 x 1.5 hour sessions.
Ages 15-17
PEERs is the only evidence-based social skills intervention for motivated teens who may present with ADHD, Aspergers, Depression, High Functioning Autism, Pervasive Developmental Disorder, Anxiety or any other social or behavioural issues.
Participants should be behaviourally and emotionally regulated.
In the PEERS program, your teen will learn:
The PEERS classes are broken into 16 x 90 minute weekly sessions with an additional parent debrief. During each session, teens are taught an important social skill an given an opportunity to practice that skill. Homework is then given for the week to give additional practice.
Depending on registration, adolescents may be grouped in a younger class (ages 11-14), older class (ages 15-17) or young adult class (ages 18-22).
Your investment for this program is $1200 and can be paid through AFU. Participants must be motivated to learn ways to make and keep friends, and parent participation is required.
Please visit the Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Behavior’s website for additional information.
Sibshops provides a space for siblings of disabled kids to feel accepted and understood. The Sibshops program was developed through Seattle Hospital as a much needed resource for siblings of children with special needs. Our sessions may include games, crafts and cooking. This is not a counselling program, but an opportunity for these children to blow off steam and share experiences with other children who they can relate to.
Our fee is $40 for 8 sessions. Pre-registration is required.