PEERS Online


Let’s get together on Zoom and learn about PEERS! Typically taught in person, however due to the pandemic, Zoom allows us to see and converse with each other in a […]

Art and Social Online Part 3


Join a group of fun kids in this time of isolation to make some art and learn some communication skills. Different times call for creative measures! We can still be […]

Social Saplings Online


Social Saplings is a program I have developed for ages 7-11 to help children develop emotional regulation, friendship and conversation skills. Class is interactive and fun. Parental involvement and homework […]

Teen Social for Girls Online


Teens will learn about conversation and friendship skills through journaling, expressive arts and discussion.



14 week social program. participants must be willing to practice and want to improve their social skills

Social Saplings

Social Skills South Surrey 1629 148th Street, Surrey, BC

Social Saplings is about developing social skills, regulation and social thinking in children ages 6-11.